The management system of educational programs in the conditions of the regional system of additional education of children


  • Elena B. Andreeva Tomsk State Pedagogical University



additional education of children, management system, educational program, management, accessibility, quality


The article considers the regional system of additional education of children as an open self-organizing system with signs of ecosystem. The role of an additional general education program as the central link of the management system is substantiated, the effectiveness of the system of additional education of children at the regional level depends on the quality, accessibility and effectiveness of which. The system of management of educational programs is formulated and scientifically substantiated, criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of the system at the regional level are identified.


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How to Cite

Андреева ЕБ. The management system of educational programs in the conditions of the regional system of additional education of children. УО [Internet]. 2022Apr.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(2):141-7. Available from: