Target model of digital transformation of universities


  • Pavel V. Terelyansky State University of Management
  • Alexander V. Troitsky State University of Management
  • Svetlana I. Ashmarina Samara State University of Economics
  • Anna V. Balanovskaya Samara State University of Economics
  • Konstantin V. Raev Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
  • Sergey D. Erokhin Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics
  • Evgeny V. Titov Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics
  • Natalia A. Bulaeva Union "Professional in the field of educational innovations"



digital transformation; distance learning; informatization strategy; project management system; digital platform; university communication system; unified information space; decision support system.


One of the key areas of transformation of the education system is the development of the digital infrastructure of universities, which requires a complete transformation of the university's business processes, using new technologies. This will allow us to make a qualitative leap in the productivity of the university, attract new investments, and reduce the costs of various duplicate processes. The goal of these efforts is to create and implement a unified model for managing all communications at the university. From a technological point of view, such a model should include organizational and administrative decisions that are logically linked to the global information system, which is a decision support system of the advisory type. All this should be a single cross-platform solution, with the ability to automate any business processes of the university, including the informatization of university document management, the organization of research activities in a single module for preparing accounting and departmental reports, the creation of a virtual admissions committee and dean's offices linked to a mobile multifunctional center for monitoring academic performance and supporting social projects for students, a module for online classes and conferences, as well as the designer of educational programs for the teaching staff.

Author Biographies

Pavel V. Terelyansky, State University of Management

doctor of Economics, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor

Alexander V. Troitsky, State University of Management

candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Acting Rector

Svetlana I. Ashmarina, Samara State University of Economics

doctor of Economics, Professor, Rector

Anna V. Balanovskaya, Samara State University of Economics

candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Economic Security

Konstantin V. Raev, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

leading specialist of the Directorate for the Development of Education

Sergey D. Erokhin, Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics

candidate of Technical Sciences, Rector

Evgeny V. Titov, Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics

candidate of Technical Sciences, Vice-rector for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor

Natalia A. Bulaeva, Union "Professional in the field of educational innovations"

candidate of Economic Sciences, President


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How to Cite

Терелянский П, Троицкий А, Ашмарина С, Балановская А, Раев К, Ерохин С, Титов Е, Булаева Н. Target model of digital transformation of universities. УО [Internet]. 2021Apr.2 [cited 2024Jul.3];11(1):22-36. Available from:

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