Pedagogical conditions as the basis for the formation of students' motivation for health promotion


  • Tatyana A. Ignatova Vladimir Dahl University



health, motivation, culture, sport, student


The essence of the process of forming a healthy lifestyle in the student environment is revealed. The structure of motives encouraging students to engage in physical culture and sports has been formed and the results of research have been tested on a concrete example in accordance with this structure. Today, one of the main strategic objectives of education is to educate young people in the spirit of a responsible attitude to their own health and the health of others, as the highest individual and social value. The problem of health promotion is increasingly recognized as one of the priority branches of scientific knowledge, and in its practical significance and relevance is one of the most complex problems of modern sciences: medicine, psychology, pedagogy. Recently, the problem of student health has become particularly relevant. Modern youth lives and develops in the era of socio-economic and political changes, crisis conditions of the XXI century, which contributes to the growth of antisocial phenomena among students, such as drug addiction, smoking, alcoholism, which has a devastating effect on health. In this regard, the problem of students' health is a priority problem of our time, where the issues of health promotion, healthy lifestyle, formation of students' motivation for health promotion are actualized.


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How to Cite

Ignatova TA. Pedagogical conditions as the basis for the formation of students’ motivation for health promotion. УО [Internet]. 2022 Mar. 15 [cited 2024 Nov. 24];12(1):183-97. Available from: