Methodological foundations formation of principles of independent financial consulting training


  • Ilya V. Kutnyuk Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
  • Sergei A. Tronin Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation



financial advisors, financial analysts, financial literacy, investment advisors, regulation, development, NSF, economic development, investment market, insurance


The profession of NSF (independent financial advisor) first appeared in Europe, and then came to Russia, when the banking sector, as well as the sector of providing insurance and investment services, began to develop actively. Previously, only very wealthy people or enterprises could afford a financial advisor, including due to the lack of many offers. Now, almost every family needs a person who will tell and help form and follow a personal financial strategy. The article reveals a description of the activities of an "independent financial advisor" (hereinafter "NSF"), significant differences from other forms of financial services provision, the need for a profession for the growth of the country's economy and investment market, as well as numerous legal and mental aspects of this profession.


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How to Cite

Кутнюк ИВ, Тронин СА. Methodological foundations formation of principles of independent financial consulting training. УО [Internet]. 2021Dec.5 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(1):122-7. Available from: