Methodological effectiveness of the development of an assessment of the effectiveness of investments in the educational process of a financial university


  • Anastasia D. Pechenkina Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
  • Daria O. Sizova Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
  • Natalya V. Kuchkovskaya Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation



innovation, investment activity, efficiency, business environment, venture funds


This article examines the effectiveness of investments and the use of innovative technologies in modern organizations. Innovative development of the company is an actual field of activity for companies of any size and any specifics. Moreover, there are certain trends in digitization in the world, the emergence of new technologies and the acceleration of the life cycle of goods, which lead to significant modifications in organizations. Every year there is an increase in new opportunities and threats for companies, as well as an increase in the cost of new technologies and the struggle for them and for a niche in the market. The article also raises the question that previously organizations could invest in only one type of innovation, thereby modernizing only one factor of competitiveness. Now, in order to be sustainable in the market, it is necessary to invest comprehensively in innovative technologies, developing all three types of innovations: product, process and innovation in the development of business models. In the modern world, investing in innovations is necessary not only for business development and increasing competitiveness, but also for effective protection against damage to the company in the case of radical investments that make some business activities economically unprofitable. In conclusion, the prospects and the current state of the Russian economy and the industries in which investing in innovation is considered the most effective are considered.


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How to Cite

Печенкина АД, Сизова ДО, Кучковская НВ. Methodological effectiveness of the development of an assessment of the effectiveness of investments in the educational process of a financial university. УО [Internet]. 2021Dec.5 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(1):108-13. Available from: