The art of ikebana and the Mokume gane technique in the aesthetics of jewelry


  • Lilia E. Sidorova Northeastern Federal University
  • Aitalina N. Makarova Northeastern Federal University



ikebana, mokume gane, design, aesthetics, composition, decorative


Jewelry art is characterized by a fine understanding of the characteristics of the material, a skilful definition of its decorative qualities, and a high degree of skill in artistic execution. The rich culture of Japan is spread all over the world, including the fashion industry, television and jewelry. The article is devoted to the development of the concept of jewelry set design project using Japanese art. The traditional Japanese art of flower composition - ikebane - is considered. The development of Japanese jewelry art and peculiarities of metal processing technology are studied. The article presents the main ways to improve the design solutions of jewelry consisting of a pair of asymmetrical earrings and a pendant, using the traditional Japanese art of ikebana and technology Mokume gane, which consists of a creative idea, where the image of nature is successfully combined with the composition and technology. The authors draw attention to the synthesis of two complex arts, combining the images of two directions of Japanese culture, which is becoming a new trend in the jewelry sphere.


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How to Cite

Сидорова ЛЕ, Макарова АН. The art of ikebana and the Mokume gane technique in the aesthetics of jewelry. УО [Internet]. 2022Feb.10 [cited 2024Jul.3];11(6):102-7. Available from: