To the question of methodological and didactical basis of the process of teaching foreign students in art history


  • Li Jing The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia



art criticism, fine art, cultural relativism, artistic image, teaching methods and didactics, personal development and self-education, methodological and didactic foundations of teaching fine art


The article is devoted to the study of the process of teaching foreign students art disciplines in Russian
art and pedagogical universities. Since ancient times, the Chinese have been adopting experience in many
professional fields, refracting it in the future according to their life and work concepts, training is no exception. The creation of an educational environment involves the use of information and communication technologies in the field of didactics and methodology. In modern education, there is a tendency to preserve the unique national culture of the country in the process of artistic and pedagogical education. This trend determines the identification of common features in the process of teaching art history to Chinese students in Russian universities, which will entail the preservation and implementation of the principle of cultural relativism, will make the learning process more harmonious and will allow adapting educational and methodological complexes on art history for foreign students taking into account Russian realities. This, first of all, means that foreign students will be immersed in the language environment of Russia, work will be carried out to overcome the language barrier and related difficulties. In addition, the methodology and didactics will be based on such approaches and
technologies that will allow you to gain knowledge in the field of theory and history of art, understanding the laws of perspective, distribution of chiaroscuro on a three-dimensional form, coloristics, knowledge from the field of optics, plastic anatomy, music, philosophy, history, etc.


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How to Cite

Цзин Л. To the question of methodological and didactical basis of the process of teaching foreign students in art history. УО [Internet]. 2022Feb.10 [cited 2024Jul.3];11(6):95-101. Available from: