The usage of playing games in the lessons as the way of increasing motivation among primary school students


  • Natalya P. Glukhova Pushkin Leningrad State University



primary school students motivation, pedagogical games, playing technology, didactical function, organiser of games, conditions of usage


Currently, education plays an important role, as the constantly changing world around us requires mastering new skills and abilities. The main goal of the school is to educate a person who is ready for selfeducation and for independent acquisition of new knowledge, as well as to create an atmosphere of learning in which students, together with the teacher, actively work, consciously reflect on the learning process, monitor, confirm, refute or expand knowledge and new ideas. Such work is possible only with schoolchildren who have sufficient educational motivation, which means that the formation of educational motivation can be called one of the central problems of education. The relevance of this topic is also connected with the fact that recently the desire to acquire new knowledge has been steadily decreasing. Many of the students lose motivation to study even in elementary school, so the modern school has an urgent need to expand its methodological potential. This can be facilitated by the introduction of gaming technologies in the educational process. The purpose of the study is to determine the features and conditions of the use of gaming technologies in the classroom in order to increase the motivation for learning and the development of cognitive interest of younger schoolchildren. The main attention is paid to identifying and highlighting the specific features of the use of gaming technologies. The scientific novelty lies in the study of the features and description of the conditions for using gaming technologies to increase motivation. As a result, the conditions for the use of the game are identified and characterized, as well as the characteristics of the teacher's activity and his role in the organization of the game.


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How to Cite

Глухова НП. The usage of playing games in the lessons as the way of increasing motivation among primary school students. УО [Internet]. 2021Oct.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];11(5):274-81. Available from: