Investments in higher education during distance learning


  • Zina A. Arsakhanova Chechen State University



Investments, higher education, management, distance education


Financing of higher education in Russia is carried out from state and non-state sources. State funding of education has traditionally been dominant, but its size is insufficient for proper material and technical support of the educational process and scientific and technical activities. The problem of financing higher education institutions in Russia has become particularly acute due to the financial and economic crisis. On the one hand, the possibilities of budgetary financing of universities have decreased and, as a result, the salary level of the teaching staff has decreased, budget expenditures on scientific research have decreased, the suspension of budget financing of concessional loans for housing construction for scientific, pedagogical and teaching staff has decreased; on the other hand, the share of special fund funds earned by state higher education institutions themselves has increased relatively. At the moment, most of the mechanisms for financing higher education that have proven their effectiveness in developed countries are still not widespread enough in Russia or are not actively used by higher education institutions. In particular, the potential of grant financing, public-private partnerships, and the like is practically not used. Scientists call the practical absence in the country of the practice of state incentives for the participation of the corporate sector in the financing of higher education "structural distortions", although world experience shows that the micro-level awareness of the importance of the competence of employees, which encourages employers to invest in improving their educational level.


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How to Cite

Арсаханова ЗА. Investments in higher education during distance learning. УО [Internet]. 2021Oct.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];11(5):181-7. Available from: