Analysis and interpretation of the piano playing process
interpretation, playing, piano, Glenn Gould, Claudio Arrau, teaching methods, preparation, recording, concert, performanceAbstract
Within the framework of this article, the author comes to the conclusion that Glenn Gould's abstraction is not something like the instrumentalization of interpretation, rather, it is the effect of the transition from playing to other instruments, namely to the instruments of recording studios, which serve for sound recording and editing. As for the "making of the body" inherited by Claudio Arrau from the romantic piano culture, it is possible only if there is a certain amount of analysis and distancing – it is at this price, as the Neuhaus teacher teaches, that it can be effective. This double conclusion will then force you to rethink the place of playing a musical instrument in the implementation of interpretation. Thus, in the course of the article, the dialogue that arises between the score in the form in which it is read and the gesture in the form in which it is played is questioned, as well as the function of the musical instrument underlying this device.
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