Research on the security of digital information in libraries in the context of the ChatGPT trend
digital information, libraries, information security, ChatGPT, natural language processing, unauthorized access, privacy.Abstract
In the context of the rapid development of natural language processing technologies such as ChatGPT, the issues of ensuring the security of digital information in libraries are becoming particularly important. Despite the active discussion of this issue in the scientific community, many aspects remain insufficiently studied, which necessitates further research. The purpose of the work is to develop conceptual and methodological foundations for ensuring the security of digital information resources of libraries in the context of the development of natural language processing technologies. The research is based on a set of methods, including system analysis, comparative analysis, threat modeling, and expert survey. The empirical base was made up of data from a survey of 120 specialists in the library and information sphere from 15 regions of Russia. It was found that the key threats to the security of digital information in libraries in the context of the development of ChatGPT-type technologies are: unauthorized access (78% of experts), data distortion (65%), violation of confidentiality (54%). A conceptual model of security has been developed based on the principles of prevention, continuity, and adaptability. The results obtained contribute to the development of the theory of information security in librarianship. The proposed model can serve as a basis for the development of practical measures to protect digital information resources of libraries. The prospects for further research are related to the approbation of the model and the assessment of its effectiveness
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