Organization of independent work of students in a foreign language in the context of digitalization
independent work of students, foreign language, digital technologies, language buildings, project activities, higher educationAbstract
The relevance of the research is due to the need to find effective ways to organize students' independent work in a foreign language in the context of digital transformation of education. The purpose of the work is to theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the model of organizing a foreign language teaching system based on the integrated application of digital technologies. Tasks: 1) to determine the essential characteristics and structural components of a foreign language SRS; 2) to identify the didactic potential of digital technologies in the context of the organization of a SRS; 3) to develop and implement a model for the organization of a foreign language teaching system based on digital tools; 4) to experimentally verify the effectiveness of the developed model. The methodological basis of the study was based on competence-based, personal-activity and technological approaches. Theoretical (analysis of scientific literature, modeling) and empirical (pedagogical experiment, testing, questionnaires, statistical data processing) methods were used. As a result of the research, it is proved that the use of digital technologies (language corpora, lexico-grammatical simulators, resources for joint project activities) within the framework of the proposed model contributes to increased motivation to learn a language, increased autonomy of students and higher results in mastering language skills and speech skills. The developed model has the properties of consistency, manageability and reproducibility in various educational contexts. The research materials can be used in the design of students' independent work within the framework of language disciplines. The prospects for further research are related to the study of the possibilities of adapting the model to the peculiarities of teaching various foreign languages at different levels of education.
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