The specifics of the application of project-based forms of education in the preparation of students of communication-oriented areas


  • Rustem I. Vyaselev Kazan Federal University


project-based learning, communicative competencies, professional training, motivation, teamwork, pedagogical experiment, model, reflection


The article discusses the features of the application of project-based forms of education in the process of preparing students of communication-oriented areas. The purpose of the study is to identify the specifics and advantages of using the project method in the formation of professional competencies of future specialists in the field of communications. The methodological basis of the work is the theoretical analysis of scientific literature, empirical methods (observation, questioning, testing), as well as statistical data processing. The empirical basis is the results of a pedagogical experiment conducted among 120 students of the 2-4 courses of the Faculty of Journalism and Public Relations. The results of the study show that the use of project-based forms of education helps to increase students' motivation (by 27%), develop their creativity (by 34%), communication skills (by 42%), as well as the formation of skills to work in a team (an increase of 38%). In addition, project activities allow students to immerse themselves deeper into the professional environment, learn how to apply theoretical knowledge in practice. The authors propose a model for organizing project-based learning, which includes 5 stages: goal setting, planning, implementation, control and reflection. The conditions for the effective implementation of this model in the educational process of the university are described. The practical significance of the work lies in the possibility of using its results to improve the professional training of students of communication specialties. The proposed recommendations can be used by teachers in the development of project assignments, as well as in the organization of independent work of students.


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How to Cite

Vyaselev RI. The specifics of the application of project-based forms of education in the preparation of students of communication-oriented areas. УО [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 15 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];14(4-1):224-31. Available from:

