The use of Chinese traditional dance music as an effective tool in the educational process of primary school children in China
chinese traditional dance music, educational process, primary school students, cognitive development, emotional development, social skills, primary education, ChinaAbstract
This article examines the use of Chinese traditional dance music as an effective tool in the educational process of primary school children in the People's Republic of China (PRC). The aim of the study was to determine the impact of the integration of traditional dance music on the cognitive, emotional and social development of primary school students. The study used survey, observation and testing methods, which involved 120 students aged 7 to 10 years from three primary schools in Sichuan Province. The schools were divided into experimental (n=60) and control (n=60) groups. In the experimental group, music lessons included elements of traditional dance music such as rhythmic exercises, learning folk dances and playing traditional instruments, while the control group followed a standard curriculum. The results showed that the students of the experimental group showed significant improvement in musical abilities (p<0.05), creative thinking (p<0.01) and social skills (p<0.05) compared with the control group. In addition, 85% of teachers noted an increase in motivation and student engagement in lessons using traditional dance music. The data obtained indicate that the integration of Chinese traditional dance music into the educational process of younger schoolchildren contributes to their comprehensive development and can serve as an effective pedagogical tool in the primary education system of the People's Republic of China.
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