Pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the program of military patriotic education of cadets through extreme sports (mountain climbing)


  • Andrey V. Melentyev East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia



mountaineering, paramilitary university, model, patriotic education, cadet, patriotic consciousness


The article is devoted to the study of the pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the program of military-patriotic education of cadets through extreme sports, in particular mountaineering. The study used an integrated approach, combining theoretical and empirical methods of analysis, including questionnaires (N=165), surveys (N=27), pedagogical modeling, monitoring, testing, experimentation with the participation of control (N=82) and experimental (N=83) ) groups of 1-5 year cadets at a military university, as well as expert assessment and statistical processing of the data obtained. The methodological basis was made up of scientific approaches to patriotic education (N.A. Belousov, Yu.S. Vasyutin, Z.T. Gasanov, etc.), studies of pedagogical systems for the formation of civil positions of the individual (A.K. Aliev, V.I. Lutovinov etc.), personality-oriented educational practices (V.V. Serikov, V.T. Fomenko, etc.), education of spirituality, morality and patriotism (M.N. Aliev, A.M. Arnoldov, etc.), pedagogical cooperation and integration of education (Sh.A. Amonashvili, E.V. Bondarevskaya, etc.). A three-stage study (2020-2023) made it possible to develop and test a pedagogical model of militarypatriotic education of cadets using mountaineering, which demonstrated high efficiency according to the results of the experiment. The research makes a significant contribution to the development of the theory and practice of military-patriotic education of cadets in the conditions of a modern military university. The results obtained not only confirm the pedagogical potential of mountaineering as an effective means of forming the patriotic consciousness of future officers, but also reveal specific ways and mechanisms of its implementation in the educational process. Further research prospects are related to the study of the possibilities of using other extreme sports in the system of military-patriotic education of cadets, as well as the development of methods for diagnosing and predicting the dynamics of their patriotic consciousness at various stages of military vocational training.


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How to Cite

Мелентьев АВ. Pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the program of military patriotic education of cadets through extreme sports (mountain climbing). УО [Internet]. 2024Mar.15 [cited 2024Jul.18];14(3-1):208–218. Available from:

