Reform of teaching a special foreign language based on the case study method: using the example of special terms in the transport and logistics industry


  • Chen Ziyao Peoples' Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba



classroom reform, case study methodology, professional foreign language, artificial intelligence technologies, digitalization


The aim is to provide students with knowledge that they can use in practice in their future professional activities. Using real-life cases in teaching helps students better understand how to apply special vocabulary and terminology in the context of specific situations. The scientific novelty of the article the use of modern technologies to stimulate the reform of the training model is an inevitable way to strengthen education. This article analyzes the problems that exist in teaching the course «Professional foreign language», and examines the importance of the case study method in teaching the course «Professional foreign language» on the example of a specialty in the field of transport. The theoretical model of teaching the course is also being revised, methods of listening, expressing thoughts, reading, writing, vocabulary development and other classroom teaching methods are being developed, providing new ideas and reference materials for the reform of teaching the course «Professional Foreign Language». As a result, the use of case studies to teach special vocabulary in the field of transport is an innovative approach that differs from traditional methods of language teaching. This provides students with a more hands-on and contextual experience, helping them better understand and remember specific terminology in the context of its use.


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How to Cite

Цзыяо Ч. Reform of teaching a special foreign language based on the case study method: using the example of special terms in the transport and logistics industry. УО [Internet]. 2024Feb.28 [cited 2024Jun.30];14(2-2):241-5. Available from:

