Analysis of the organization of interaction and involvement of volunteer (volunteer) organizations in measures to ensure the safety of the population of the Tomsk region


  • Anna N. Posokhova All-Russian Research Institute for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia



emergency, volunteer organization, security, population, search and rescue operation, interaction, volunteer, Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia


The article presents the results of the activities of the organization of interaction and engagement of volunteer organizations in events aimed at ensuring the safety of the population of the Tomsk region, using the example of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (EMERCOM) of Russia in the Tomsk region. The study identifies the main goals and objectives of the interaction between the EMERCOM of Russia in the Tomsk region and volunteer organizations, provides examples of effective cooperation, identifies the main problems and directions for improving interaction in the field of population and territory protection from emergencies and ensuring fire safety. The article presents a comprehensive analysis of activities to attract volunteer organizations to ensure the safety of the population in the Tomsk region. The authors examine how volunteer groups interact with local authorities and other stakeholders to enhance safety in the region. Special attention is given to the analysis of specific events and projects involving volunteers and assessing their contribution to the development of social stability and safety. The article contains detailed descriptions of successful strategies and methods of work, which can serve as an example for other regions and organizations aiming to improve their activities in the field of volunteering and safety. Recommendations for optimizing the interaction between volunteer organizations and government structures are also presented. The authors analyze not only successes but also the difficulties faced by volunteers, suggesting ways to solve them.


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How to Cite

Посохова АН. Analysis of the organization of interaction and involvement of volunteer (volunteer) organizations in measures to ensure the safety of the population of the Tomsk region. УО [Internet]. 2024Feb.28 [cited 2024Jun.30];14(2-2):162-8. Available from:

