Using big data to analyze and optimize the educational process in higher education institutions


  • Julia K. Shchelokova Ufa State Petroleum Technical University



big data, higher education, educational data analysis, educational analytics, learning personalization, machine learning


Currently, the use of big data in the educational process of higher education institutions is becoming increasingly relevant. The purpose of this study is to explore the possibilities of using big data technologies to analyze and optimize the educational process in universities. The paper uses methods of systematic literature review, analysis of specific cases of big data implementation in universities, as well as statistical methods of data processing. The results of the study show that the use of big data makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the educational process by personalizing learning, predicting student performance, optimizing curricula and resources. For example, at Purdue University (USA), the introduction of a data analysis system on student academic performance and behavior led to an increase in student retention by 21% and an increase in the average score by 0.3 points. At the UK Open University, machine learning algorithms are used to identify students at risk of expulsion, which has reduced this figure by 12%. At Tongji University (China), the analysis of graduate employment data helped to adjust curricula and increase the relevance of the knowledge and skills acquired by students to the requirements of the labor market. In addition, big data opens up new opportunities for research in the field of education, allowing us to study the patterns of learning, factors of student success, the effectiveness of various pedagogical approaches and educational technologies in large samples. However, the introduction of big data technologies in universities is associated with a number of problems, such as ensuring data quality and security, compliance with ethical standards and confidentiality, the need to change organizational culture and develop employee competencies. Further research should be aimed at developing standards and best practices for the use of big data in higher education, studying the long-term effects of their application, as well as searching for optimal models for integrating big data technologies into the educational processes of universities.


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How to Cite

Щелокова ЮК. Using big data to analyze and optimize the educational process in higher education institutions. УО [Internet]. 2024Feb.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];14(2-1):114-22. Available from:

