Suggestopedia and its application to different types of students


  • Olga V. Konnova Astrakhan State Medical University
  • Inga V. Romanova Astrakhan State Medical University



suggestopedia, application, kinesthetic students, visual students, auditory students


Suggestopedia is an innovative method that promises excellent effective results in language learning. Lozanov claimed that using this method, it is possible to teach languages about three to five times faster than traditional methods. This is a set of educational recommendations borrowed from suggestology, which Lozanov describes as «a science engaged in the systematic study of irrational or unconscious influences» to which people constantly react. This method is also based on the ideas of yoga and Soviet psychology. From yoga, he draws the importance of relaxing the mind to maximize retention of the material. Lozanov took the idea from Soviet psychology that: «All students can be taught a certain subject at the same skill level». This article presents the definition of the four stages of suggestopedia. Its use in students with kinesthetic, visual and auditory perception will also be considered in detail in order to show the effectiveness of suggestion therapy in the classroom. The third part will discuss the four stages of suggestion therapy: the presentation stage, the concert session, the development stage and the practice stage. The last part will describe in detail the application of suggestopedia to three different types of students, namely kinesthetic, visual and auditory.


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How to Cite

Коннова ОВ, Романова ИВ. Suggestopedia and its application to different types of students. УО [Internet]. 2024Jan.30 [cited 2024Jul.1];14(1-2):178-84. Available from:

