The influence of famous piano performers and teachers on the development of music education


  • Liu Xuanzi Russian State Pedagogical University A.I. Herzen



piano art, music pedagogy, music education, history of university development, mutual influence of cultures


The impact of creativity and pedagogical activity of outstanding piano performers and teachers on the formation and development of music education in Russian universities is a little-studied problem. The purpose of this study is to analyze the contribution of outstanding Russian and foreign pianists and teachers of the XIX-XX centuries to the formation of the musical education system in the leading musical universities of the country. Purpose: The research is aimed at analyzing the influence of the pedagogical activities of outstanding Russian piano teachers and performers of the XIX-XX centuries on the formation and development of the music education system in leading Russian music universities. Methods: The research used methods of historical, biographical and documentary analysis of the pedagogical heritage of N.G. Rubinstein, S.V. Rachmaninov, G.N. Neuhaus. The sources on the history of music universities, the memories of students of teachers were studied. Results: The fundamental importance of N.G. Rubinstein's methodology for the formation of a music education system has been established. Rachmaninov's contribution consisted in the development of pedagogical traditions. The method of G.N. Neuhaus found wide application in the Soviet school. The achievements of outstanding Russian teachers laid the foundations of Russian piano pedagogy and continue to have a significant impact on the development of music education.


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How to Cite

Сюаньцзы Л. The influence of famous piano performers and teachers on the development of music education. УО [Internet]. 2023Dec.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(12-1):222-9. Available from:

