Neuropedagogy: possibilities and limitations of e-learning research using neurotechnologies


  • Maxim A. Sorochinsky North-Eastern Federal University named after. M.K. Ammosova



neuropedagogy, EEG, eye tracking, educational content, cognitive sciences, education, pedagogy


With the development of technologies and new scientific directions, the consolidation of knowledge and methods of various sciences occurs. One of the promising areas in modern pedagogical research is neuropedagogy. Based on this, the purpose of the study is to determine the possibilities and limitations of the use of neurotechnologies in education, namely, for the study of e-learning and its improvement. The paper analyzes the results of a study of educational video content that the author has conducted over the past two years. Research methods such as electroencephalography (EEG) and eye tracking were used. Based on the experience gained, a conclusion is made about the possibilities (assessment of cognitive load, determination of levels of “concentration” and “meditation,” tracking fixations on educational materials) and limitations (price and availability of equipment and software, difficulty in interpreting results, ethical issues) of using neurotechnologies for educational content analysis. Eye tracking capabilities allow researchers to obtain data on where a student fixes his gaze while studying educational materials. Using this, you can track the ease of perception of materials and how text, pictures and other visual information are perceived. Based on where the student is looking, you can determine how much time he spends studying certain points and determine the duration of fixations. This allows you to determine which parts of the material are paid more attention to and which ones receive less attention.


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How to Cite

Сорочинский МА. Neuropedagogy: possibilities and limitations of e-learning research using neurotechnologies. УО [Internet]. 2023Dec.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(12-1):98-105. Available from:

