Studies of Deng Xiaoping's theory in Russia over the past ten years: main schools and trends


  • Zhchao Tiantian Qilu Polytechnic University, Shandong Academy of Sciences



idea of Deng Xiaoping, China, Russia, socialism, nation


As the main architect of the reform and opening up policy and modernization of modern China, Deng Xiaoping led China to global achievement and became a famous political figure with global influence. The article discusses questions about Russian scientists regarding the ideas of Deng Xiaoping in the last decade. The author analyzes the works of V.G. Burova, V.A. Nikityuka, S.A. Prosekova, A.A. Lapinskas and other Russian scientists and identifies several main areas of research into the theory of Deng Xiaoping: the direction is associated with the study of the theory of Marxism; a direction whose emphasis is on the reasons for the success of the practical implementation of Deng Xiaoping's theory and a direction within which certain aspects of the theory are considered. Considering the question of what socialism is, how to build it, and to what extent the Chinese version corresponds to this path, the author notes many disputes on this issue, without voicing his own position. However, the author notes such an important component of Chinese modernization as harmonious development. Instead of prioritizing the economy, which is typical of Western civilization, in accordance with the theory of Deng Xiaoping, the principle of “five unified coordination” and “five unified planning” was chosen. It implies the harmonious development of villages and cities, the eastern and western provinces of the PRC, society and economy, harmony between man and nature, coordination of internal development and external openness.


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How to Cite

Тяньтянь Ж. Studies of Deng Xiaoping’s theory in Russia over the past ten years: main schools and trends. УО [Internet]. 2023Nov.15 [cited 2024Jul.1];13(11-1):210-7. Available from:

