Axiological aspect of physical education of schoolchildren in conditions of social instability


  • Tatyana T. Roters Lugansk State Pedagogical University



values, physical education, schoolchildren, physical exercises, beauty of movements, culture of movements, interest, motivation, emotional background


In the article, the author’s main attention is focused on the formation of the values of physical education classes for students from grades 1 to 11, among which the values of health, spiritual and moral culture, and patriotism stand out. The key position is occupied by the personal aspect in terms of generating interest and motivation for physical education based on the beauty of the physical appearance and culture of movements. The article is devoted to the study of the axiological aspect of physical education of schoolchildren in the context of social instability. The authors consider the significance and role of physical education as a tool for the formation of value orientations among the younger generation in conditions of sociocultural fluctuations. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between physical activity and the psycho-emotional state of students, their ability to adapt and withstand social challenges. The article presents the results of an empirical study confirming the positive impact of targeted physical education on the formation of a stable system of life values among schoolchildren. The authors offer specific methodological recommendations for teachers and trainers. In conclusion, the importance of the axiological approach in physical education as a means of socialization and spiritual development of youth in difficult social conditions is emphasized. We note that in the process of developing physical education values in students, the main role is played by the physical education teacher, his professional skills in the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities as the basis of motivation and determining the priority values of his physical improvement.


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How to Cite

Ротерс ТТ. Axiological aspect of physical education of schoolchildren in conditions of social instability. УО [Internet]. 2023Oct.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(10-1):112-7. Available from:

