Vice-Rector of the Pedagogical University E. Sh. Khamitov:"a man who knew how to make decisions"


  • Tahir M. Aminov Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla



E. Sh. Khamitov, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Bashkir State Pedagogical Institute


Teaching staff have always been the main factor in the quality functioning of the education system in general and higher educational institutions in particular. One of the leading roles in the activities of higher pedagogical universities, of course, is assigned to the vice-rector for academic and, possibly, educational work. Hence, the purpose of this article is to analyze the activities of one of the vice-rectors for academic work of the Bashkir State Pedagogical Institute - E. Sh. Khamitov. The Institute, which at the time described was still quite young, grew stronger and acquired a fundamental basis, in our opinion, precisely in this decade. The work reveals the secrets of the interaction of the vice-rector with the teaching staff and students, the features of the optimal organization of the educational process of the university, and much more. Obviously, one of the important stages in our hero’s professional growth was the position of vice-rector for academic affairs. A position that Eduard Shaikhullovich initially refused and, nevertheless, worked as vice-rector for 10 years, from 1973 to 1983. The reason for the refusal was that he had already written the basis, colloquially called the “brick,” of his doctoral dissertation. It had to be completed and defended, but there wasn’t enough time with the work of the head of the department, and then the dean of the faculty. To complete the research, a sabbatical leave of one year or six months was needed. This is what our hero repeatedly asked the university management to do, but he was not given consent.


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Цифровой «Музей педагогического образования и педагогической науки в Республике Башкортостан: от истоков прошлого к перспективам будущего». URL:



How to Cite

Аминов ТМ. Vice-Rector of the Pedagogical University E. Sh. Khamitov:"a man who knew how to make decisions". УО [Internet]. 2023Oct.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(10-1):40-6. Available from:

