Formation of the principles of sustainable learning in construction universities


  • Yulia V. Rakova N. I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod
  • Aleksandr M. Sivokonev Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
  • Elizaveta D. Ivanova Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba
  • Daniil E. Shubin Saint-Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design
  • Viktoriya M. Sokolova Voronezh state university



sustainable learning, construction universities, continuous learning, professional competencies, educational models


In the modern context of accelerated technological development and continuous changes in the labor market, the relevance of the topic devoted to the formation of the principles of sustainable education in construction universities is gaining new facets every year. In 2022, according to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, about 65% of graduates of construction universities continued to work in their professional field after graduation. However, in a rapidly changing world, there is a constant need to update and supplement professional competencies, which implies the presence of stable knowledge and skills that contribute to successful adaptation to new circumstances. Continuous learning, being the cornerstone in the formation of a flexible professional, implies reliable foundations in the form of principles of sustainable learning. Defining their foundations, building a model integrated into the educational processes of construction universities, can become a key element in increasing the effectiveness of training specialists in this field. In 2023, based on the analysis of professional standards and requirements of employers, it was found that about 73% of employers expect graduates of construction universities to be able to continuously learn and adapt to changing conditions. In the context of this study, sustainable learning is understood as a learning process that can sustainably persist, develop and be effective in conditions of constantly changing external and internal conditions. So, in 2023, the results of a study conducted at VSTU showed that teaching students based on the principles of sustainable learning leads to an increase in the effectiveness of their activities by 37% compared to classical teaching methods.


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How to Cite

Ракова ЮВ, Сивоконев АМ, Иванова ЕД, Шубин ДЭ, Соколова ВМ. Formation of the principles of sustainable learning in construction universities. УО [Internet]. 2023Jun.25 [cited 2024Jul.2];13(7):194-202. Available from:

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