Prospects for the development of inclusive interaction through the formation of a barrier-free environment in apartment buildings of urban space


  • Igor V. Mikhalev Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics
  • Marina M. Shailiyeva Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics
  • Gadzhimirze I. Gadzhimirzoev Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics



inclusion, inclusive interaction, accessible environment, disability, low-mobility population groups, inclusive urban space


In modern conditions of urban space development, the formation of a full-fledged accessible environment for people with disabilities and disabilities is an urgent and priority issue of the social state policy of Russia. The purpose of the research conducted by the author is to analyze the current state and implementation of the directions for the formation of a barrier-free environment in urban space on the example of apartment/multi-storey buildings in Russia. The author in the study considered the problems and current directions of solving the state program "Affordable Environment for 2011-2030" in the aspect of the formation of a barrier-free environment in apartment buildings. The directions of the national state program on the formation and practical implementation of accessible urban space for people with disabilities and other categories of lowmobility groups of the population in the regions of our country considered by the author, which will be an important motivational component of the development of inclusive interaction of a civilized society in the present and future.


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How to Cite

Михалёв ИВ, Шайлиева ММ, Гаджимирзоев ГИ. Prospects for the development of inclusive interaction through the formation of a barrier-free environment in apartment buildings of urban space. УО [Internet]. 2023Jun.25 [cited 2024Jun.30];13(7):132-8. Available from: