Opportunities for project management of professional responsibility of a civil servant


  • Sabira B. Nasipova Orenburg State Pedagogical University




civil service; civil servant; professional responsibility; project; project management.


An important factor in achieving the stable development of the country is the competent staffing of its management apparatus, as well as the relevant state-owned enterprises, institutions and organizations. It can be stated that the organization of activities on a national scale should be streamlined, have, so to speak, "basic standards" that allow you to control the process of staffing, establishing its compliance with the specified parameters and identifying opportunities for its further improvement. In the literature, it is explicitly noted that the system of work with personnel is built and implemented on the basis of the principles of such work. It can be noted that public administration is carried out by a large number of civil servants who hold various positions in numerous state structures, which makes it all the more necessary to define common criteria for staffing. The task of project management is the effective work of government personnel, their professional and social development for the sake of high-quality performance of government tasks. The purpose of the work is to analyze the possibilities of project management of the professional activity of a civil servant.

Author Biography

Sabira B. Nasipova, Orenburg State Pedagogical University

Head of the Department of Advanced Training and Additional Education


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How to Cite

Насипова С. Opportunities for project management of professional responsibility of a civil servant. УО [Internet]. 2021Apr.2 [cited 2024Jul.3];11(1):108-17. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/10