Research of emotional-volitional regulation in elderly people


  • Valeria E. Ermolova Московский финансово-промышленный университет «Синергия»



emotional-volitional regulation, psychology, research, analysis


The problem of regulatory activity as a factor of determining the psyche, which has different levels, both conscious and unconscious, is most carefully considered in the study of" subject-object "and" subject-subject " relations. The concept of regulatory activity includes such important categories as self-regulation, selfdetermination, purposefulness, reflection, freedom, responsibility, decision-making and control. In the context of our work, the categories provided are analyzed not so much as specific mental processes, but as a " general principle of the organization of the subject's relations with the world. Purposeful activity is a basic feature of a person as a subject, determined by the ability to independently organize, manage, that is, conscious selfregulation. Emotional-volitional regulation has a complex structure, is part of a single regulatory process and the above-mentioned higher-level systems. The allocation of emotional-volitional regulation is relative and is carried out for the purpose of theoretical analysis, but in practice, in real life, emotional-volitional regulation is directly related to thinking, to the process of perception, attention, memory, language, with all personality structures, with conscious and unconscious processes, regulatory activity is unified and is the result of the systemic interaction of all mental phenomena involved in it. At the same time, it should be noted that the actualization of emotional-volitional regulation presupposes the presence of the greatest energy content on the part of emotional and volitional processes.


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How to Cite

Ермолова ВЕ. Research of emotional-volitional regulation in elderly people. УО [Internet]. 2023May15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(5):24-38. Available from: