Economic and pedagogical methods in conducting experiments in the system of cognitive sciences


  • Aminat M. Galaeva Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation



paradigm, method, experiment, cognition, science


The paradigmatic approach suggests considering science as a kind of collective human activity, taking into account the role of all factors influencing its implementation, both epistemic and socio-cultural. Thomas Kuhn justified the revolutionary nature of historical transformations in science, thereby denying the cumulative model of its development with a progressive evolutionary trajectory of changes. Science, within the framework of positivism, appeared to be an impersonal process of obtaining knowledge with a rigid internal logic of development. Accordingly, it was inappropriate and illegitimate to apply moral or any other types of assessment both to the process of scientific cognition itself and to its results. It was believed that the plane of the logic of scientific progress is directly undiotic to the value-semantic sphere, they do not contradict each other, but they do not intersect. But the paradigmatic approach opened up new prospects for research in the philosophy of science, in particular, it contributed to the so–called axiological and anthropological turns - addressing the problem of values, especially moral ones, actualization of the principles of humanism and humanitarization of scientific knowledge.


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How to Cite

Галаева АМ. Economic and pedagogical methods in conducting experiments in the system of cognitive sciences. УО [Internet]. 2023May15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(5):17-23. Available from: