Methods of using musical instruments in the structure of the development of the educational process


  • Alexander I. Karpenko Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin



educational process, musical instruments, research, methodology


Obviously, in professional art education, the role of musical instruments is a priori quite significant. The training of professional vocalists, choir singers, composers, musicologists, teachers of theoretical disciplines and other professional musicians necessarily involves mastering musical instruments, in particular the piano. Another thing is the process of general art education, which covers a large number of children, adolescents and youth. In this area, the function of musical instruments is no longer so obvious. At all times, the most popular and accessible form of musical activity in institutions of mass education among all peoples was choral singing. According to this, genres and styles of vocal and choral music (hymns, prayers, lyrical, dance and marching songs, ballads and the like) have occupied a dominant position in the musical and educational process since ancient times. For this reason, elementary musical-theoretical and historical knowledge, also oriented to cantilevered melody, choral syllable, song intonation nature. At the same time, musical culture has never been limited to vocal forms of music-making. Since ancient times, as proved by archaeology and cultural studies, people have been making and widely using musical instruments in artistic practice.


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How to Cite

Карпенко АИ. Methods of using musical instruments in the structure of the development of the educational process. УО [Internet]. 2023Apr.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];13(4):137-45. Available from: