Features of the Chinese media environment in the 21st century


  • Xiaohui Qian Chengdu College of Arts and Sciences




new media, mass media, China, media environment, communication


In the Internet era, especially after the advent of social networks and smartphones, communication methods and communication effects have undergone great changes, and the roles and functions of the media in society have begun to change. This article discusses the changes that the mass media have undergone in China, as well as the key features of modern Chinese media. New mass media based on Internet information technologies can ensure the rapid dissemination and exchange of information. People can receive a huge amount of rich and diverse information from different countries and regions of the world, and they can also express their feelings, what they have seen and heard, anytime and anywhere on a new media platform that makes news and any other information no longer limited by time and space, but extremely saturated with information. Summarizing the above, it is worth saying that new media in China are replacing traditional media, and if they have not yet been completely replaced, they affect the transformation of traditional media, which causes such phenomena as Internet television and Internet articles to appear in the Chinese media space.


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How to Cite

Цянь С. Features of the Chinese media environment in the 21st century. УО [Internet]. 2022Oct.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(12):40-4. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/706