The influence of new media on politics in the world


  • Qiyao Wang Chengdu College of Arts and Sciences



politics, new media, public opinion, mass media, state


With the rapid development of the mobile Internet, new media are changing and reformulating people's communication, speech use and behavioral habits. In the political context, the mass media play a crucial role in informing the public about politics, campaigns and elections. But while the public demands information from the media, the media and politicians also have a chance for negative coverage of their state program and media bias. In addition, the mass media help to influence what issues voters should be concerned about at the elections and what criteria they should use to evaluate candidates. The relations of society, the media and the government are always interconnected, and although the media can sometimes shape public opinion, they have a greater influence on informing voters whether weather conditions are important or not, the media work more effectively on these issues, placing emphasis on certain issues. The continuous development of information technology has a profound impact on the process of developing public policy. The question of how public policy keeps up with the times in today's ever-changing conditions has become a question that needs to be thought about. In this article we will identify the peculiarities of the influence of new media on politics in the world.


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How to Cite

Ван Ц. The influence of new media on politics in the world. УО [Internet]. 2022Dec.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(12):30-4. Available from: