Studying chinese opera in educational institutions of the people's republic of China


  • Liu Fada Russian State Pedagogical University. Herzen A.I.



beijing Opera, musical education, cultural heritage, traditional musical culture, China


Peking Opera, as part of the traditional culture of the PRC, has a thousand-year history since its development. During this period of history, Peking Opera has become an important form of artistic expression in the daily life of the Chinese people through continuous development. A few decades ago, the Chinese Ministry of Education recognized the importance of inheriting Peking Opera. With the development of quality education, the teaching content of Peking opera in China's elementary school music classes is gradually becoming richer, but at present, the influence of popular music and foreign musical culture has also caused a dilemma in the development direction of Peking opera. The article is devoted to the study of the importance of preserving the heritage of Chinese traditional opera in the musical education of the PRC, the difficulties of using Chinese opera in music classes in Chinese educational institutions and ways to overcome them. It is worth choosing a few students who really wanted to try, but did not dare to participate in the competition. After a few students lead the demonstration, other students who were interested can also join the Peking Opera Competition. Ultimately, most students may awaken a keen interest in studying the musical culture of their native country.


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How to Cite

Фада Л. Studying chinese opera in educational institutions of the people’s republic of China. УО [Internet]. 2022Dec.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(12):25-9. Available from: