SDG 4: environmental literacy


  • Ekaterina S. Kolina Institute for Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education



environmental education, environmental literacy, educational situations, environmental footprint, environmental culture, consistency, continuity


In the content of modern education, an important component is environmental education, which is aimed at forming the foundations of environmental literacy, environmental culture and environmental thinking. The emphasis on environmental education can also be seen in regulatory documents. Environmental education should be continuous and systematically implemented not only in the classroom, but also in extracurricular activities. One of the important indicators of environmental education is environmental literacy. However, there is still no consensus on the interpretation of this concept. The Concept of Environmental Education developed by FUMO provides recommendations on how to implement environmental education at different levels of schooling. In elementary school, the key is the formation of the foundations of environmental literacy and the mastery of basic environmental concepts; in secondary and high school, the formation of environmental literacy continues during and after school hours, possibly with the help of educational situations. The article considers the main features of the design of educational situations. Following the logic of decomposition of the final result of environmental education -environmental culture - we assumed that in the educational situation all its components should be represented - axiological, technological, personal-cultural-creative, as well as semiotic and reflective-evaluative. Experimental research work on the costing and implementation of the five-component model of educational situations showed that while maintaining its general structure (introduction, problem situation, motivation, designing a solution, performing actions, reflection and analysis), the content and interaction of its components are rethought.


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How to Cite

Колина ЕС. SDG 4: environmental literacy. УО [Internet]. 2022Dec.1 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(11):199-204. Available from: