The principle of artistic communication as a means of improving performance culture in a musical group


  • Mikhail N. Kurlapov Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia Yeltsin B.N.



performing culture, musical collective, artistic communication, principle


The problem of methodological reorientation of artistic and communicative training of future performers in the field of art education indicates the need for its theoretical rethinking in the context of new educational technologies. The theoretical and methodological strategy of solving the problems of our research is based on the application of systematic, axiological, cultural, personality-oriented, competence-based, dialogical, synergetic, activity-based approaches. Since the creative and presentative component of artistic and communicative culture is conditioned by the specifics of artistic communication on the basis of art, the composition of the subjects of interaction manifests itself in various types of artistic and communicative activities (listening, musical-analytical, interpretive, evaluative, rhetorical, and the like). The system approach belongs to the fundamental level of general scientific methodology. Any system, according to the definition of systemologists, is characterized by the ordering of connections and relationships between components, elements, as well as their integrity, integrativity, which has features in various system objects. In the context of the activity approach, the artistic and communicative culture of the future performer is considered by us as a set of cultural and creative elements that regulate the communicative activity of the performer and are formed, function, develop through the establishment of emotional and psychological contact with the student in the process of interaction. Interaction management manifests itself in the music lesson as a multi-vector orientation of the performer's activity: managing oneself, students, personality-oriented relationships, and the like.


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How to Cite

Курлапов МН. The principle of artistic communication as a means of improving performance culture in a musical group. УО [Internet]. 2022Dec.1 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(11):100-6. Available from: