Dynamic model of the educational system at the enterprises of the oil refining industry


  • Vladimir A. Bychkov Ufa state petroleum technological university
  • Stepan A. Bychkov Ufa state petroleum technological university
  • Anastasia V. Zhurikhina Ufa state petroleum technological university




digitalization, education management, quality of services, management model


A necessary condition for the integration of the national education system into the international educational space is the quality of the provision of educational services. Any institution of general secondary education should position itself in the market of educational services by improving the quality of education and forming the ability of consumers to acquire knowledge independently during their lifetime. This is what will ensure the formation of education as a social value. Quality education is considered as one of the indicators of a high quality of life, an instrument of social and cultural harmony and economic growth. The quality of education is the compliance of learning outcomes with the requirements established by law, the relevant standard of education and/or the agreement on the provision of educational services. Ensuring the quality of the provision of educational services in the institution of education today is the most pressing issue. This is due to the fact that the conditions in which educational institutions operate and develop are difficult conditions of market relations, in which each institution must take a certain place in the market of educational services. The development of an educational institution in such conditions occurs through competitiveness and successful positioning in the market.


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How to Cite

Бычков ВА, Бычков СА, Журихина АВ. Dynamic model of the educational system at the enterprises of the oil refining industry. УО [Internet]. 2022Nov.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(9):164-72. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/605