Soviet pedagogical educational project: adaptation of the Cyrillic alphabet to the Kalmyk script in the 1920s-1930s. 20th century


  • Ellara U. Omakaeva Kalmyk State University
  • Svetlana D. Kitlyaeva Kalmyk State University
  • Bair V. Ubushaeva Kalmyk State University



Kalmyk writing, Russian language, reform, national language, Cyrillic, Soviet project, graphic system


Based on archival documents, the article examines the role of the Russian language in eliminating illiteracy among the Kalmyk population in the first two decades of Soviet power, when the vertical national script was translated into the Russian graphic system. Thus, it is obvious that at first the work on creating a new writing system encountered numerous difficulties, which is easy to see by reading textbooks published in 1925-1929. Of course, this was the initial stage of the formation of a new writing system. The transition to Cyrillic has been implemented. Some vowels and consonant phonemes, characteristic of the Kalmyk language, were transmitted in writing by a combination of letters and a symbol with diacritical marks. But in 1930, the Kalmyk script was translated into Latin graphics.


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How to Cite

Омакаева ЭУ, Китляева СД, Убушаева БВ. Soviet pedagogical educational project: adaptation of the Cyrillic alphabet to the Kalmyk script in the 1920s-1930s. 20th century. УО [Internet]. 2022Feb.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(1):93-8. Available from: