Digital economy in the management and implementation of the main functions of higher education


  • Luiza S. Yangulbaeva Chechen State University



Digital economy, research, higher school, education, management


The development of computer technology, computerization and the use of the Internet in all sectors of the economy and in all spheres of life strongly indicate that humanity has entered a fundamentally new era of its existence – the era of post-industrial society, the characteristic feature of which is the use of external information resources as a natural consequence of globalization. This era is sometimes called the "information society" or" knowledge society " given the role of knowledge and information in the life of society. The introduction of digital technologies in various spheres of the economy significantly changes the lifestyle, working conditions and business conditions and creates prerequisites for the formation and development of the digital economy. The latter requires significant changes in the goals, content, forms, methods, tools and organization of training in general. The creation of "smart cities", improving access to e-government, the provision of e-health services will allow us to truly develop a digital society. Therefore, a very urgent task is to study the digital competence of the russian society and develop some ways to increase its level in accordance with the strategy, especially in Higher Education. More and more digital technologies are being used in all sectors of the economy. The study of these technologies should be included in the educational process of universities. It was proved that the development of a digital education strategy requires the development of an information and educational space, the creation of an information and educational environment to support the continuous development of digital competence of teachers and students.


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How to Cite

Янгульбаева ЛШ. Digital economy in the management and implementation of the main functions of higher education. УО [Internet]. 2021Sep.15 [cited 2024Jul.17];11(4):282-9. Available from: