Educational work in the organization of higher education: implementation experience


  • Ruslan N. Eremeev Institute of Cinema and Television (GITR)



students, student center, education, educational work system, culture, spiritual and moral values


Over the past decades, the higher education system in Russia has been in search of new forms and contents of educational and educational activities that contribute to the construction of the value and worldview component of a modern young person. Despite the existing research and experience, in pedagogical science, the problem of creating a comprehensive system of educational work that takes into account cultural, axiological and personality-oriented approaches remains relevant. The presented study provides a theoretical analysis of regulations and research works on the identified problem, and also examines the practical experience of building an educational system in the form of a student center. The practical part of the study presents the testing of the work of the student center «New Square», opened with the aim of creating a unified ideological platform that allows students to form sociocultural, spiritual and moral values. The New Square Student Center is a structural unit of the Russian Orthodox University of St. John the Theologian and is a unique open value-oriented system that combines several complementary areas: educational activities, scientific work, social volunteering and student leisure. In addition to the harmonious combination of the listed areas, the educational capabilities of the center are enhanced by the presence at the university of the university Temple of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian near Elm, which also allows students to form moral and cultural values. Considering that currently in Russia the infrastructure of a number of educational organizations of higher education also have university churches, the proposed value-oriented system of educational work can be used by them in building complex educational systems on the basis of their organizations. Also, the results of the study are practice-oriented in nature and can become the basis for the formation of a work program for the education of any modern university.


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How to Cite

Еремеев РН. Educational work in the organization of higher education: implementation experience. УО [Internet]. 2024Feb.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];14(2-1):123-30. Available from:

