Assessment of the institutional conditions for the implementation of the Zemsky Uchitel program in the regions of Russia


  • Maxim A. Golovchin Vologda Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences



rural school, personnel, the Zemsky Uchitel program, content analysis, regulatory and legal documentation, institutional conditions


The article considers the institutional foundations necessary for the implementation of the Zemsky Uchitel program in the regions of Russia as a set of actions aimed at solving the personnel problems of rural schools by providing teachers with one-time compensation payments within the framework of the competition. For this purpose, a content analysis of the regulatory and legal documentation was carried out, specifying the competitive conditions that are imposed on applicants for receiving payments as part of the implementation of the program's tasks. During the content analysis, analytical units were identified-criteria, the consideration of which will allow effective implementation of program actions to solve urgent problems not only of rural schools, but also of the village as a whole (to attract young teachers with their families to villages; teachers who can teach more than one subject; natives of the village; create barriers to manifestations of opportunism in the distribution of financial resources, etc.); the search for these units in the texts of legal documents was carried out and the final score was calculated, reflecting the level of formation of institutional conditions for the implementation of the program in certain regions. As a result, the participating regions of the program were grouped into four groups according to the value of the final score: with a high level of formation of the relevant conditions (5 territories), with a level above average (47 territories), with a level below average (23 territories), with a low level (3 territories). Thus, the regions are currently not fully ready to implement program actions, some of them do not provide for the risks of using payment funds by teachers already working in schools. All this casts doubt on the prospects of the program, which is designed until 2023 inclusive. Based on the content analysis data, the advantages and disadvantages of the program are considered, and measures are proposed to finalize the initiative in the future within the framework of the state program "Development of Education".


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How to Cite

Головчин МА. Assessment of the institutional conditions for the implementation of the Zemsky Uchitel program in the regions of Russia. УО [Internet]. 2021Aug.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];11(4):83-98. Available from: