Comparative analysis of higher education models in Europe and Asia: historical roots and current trends


  • Li Jiaxin Petersburg State Institute of Culture



higher education, Europe, Asia, comparative analysis, historical roots, modern trends, internationalization, academic mobility


The article considers a comparative analysis of higher education models in Europe and Asia, taking into account their historical roots and current trends. The purpose of the study is to identify the features and differences in higher education systems in these regions, as well as to identify the factors influencing their development. The methods of comparative analysis, historical review and statistical data processing were used in the work. The materials for the study were scientific publications, statistical reports of international organizations and official documents of European and Asian countries in the field of higher education. The results of the study showed that the higher education systems in Europe and Asia have significant differences due to historical, cultural and socio-economic factors. The European model is characterized by a longer history of development, a focus on liberal values and an individual approach to learning. The Asian model, in turn, is characterized by pragmatism, collectivism and strict hierarchy in the academic environment. Despite the differences, in recent decades there has been a trend towards internationalization and convergence of higher education systems in both regions. This is reflected in the growth of academic mobility, the introduction of international educational standards and the development of joint educational programs. Thus, according to UNESCO, the number of students studying abroad increased from 2 million in 2000 to 5.3 million in 2019, with a significant proportion of students from Asian countries studying at European universities. Despite the significant differences in the models of higher education in Europe and Asia, the current trends of globalization and internationalization contribute to their gradual convergence and mutual enrichment. Further research in this area may be aimed at a more detailed study of the factors influencing the transformation of higher education systems, as well as the development of recommendations for their harmonization and efficiency improvement.


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How to Cite

Цзясинь Л. Comparative analysis of higher education models in Europe and Asia: historical roots and current trends. УО [Internet]. 2024Jan.15 [cited 2024Jul.1];14(1-1):298-306. Available from:

