The image of a modern ideal city in different age groups


  • Natalia I. Khokhlova Surgut State University
  • Lyudmila V. Shibaeva Surgut Pedagogical University



an ideal city, viability, a method of content analysis


The city is a means for a way of life. When well-off people attend cultural events at their leisure, for low-income segments of the population, it is the streets of the city that are the only alternative to television as a way to spend their free time. Unfortunately, modern cities are more profitable for the movement of cars, rather than people's lives. We must do everything to make sure that this is not the case. The ideal city is one in which people like to be on the street. People do not use the public space of the city only for movement – they communicate there, relax, kiss. Therefore, the priority of the city authorities should be the development of public space. The problem of studying the viability of the city's population as a socio-psychological phenomenon is considered. Attention is focused on the value-affective component. The characteristics of a favorable future of the city were determined, which are primarily related to the appearance, comfort and prospects for the development of the city. The orientation of the activity of citizens is stated in the field of self-development (the need to increase educational institutions) and employment (the availability of places to work). The answers are dominated by individual needs, a kind of egocentricity in relation to the living space


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How to Cite

Хохлова НИ, Шибаева ЛВ. The image of a modern ideal city in different age groups. УО [Internet]. 2021Aug.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];11(4):54-63. Available from: