Pedagogical conditions for the formation of project competence of future teachers


  • Svetlana Yu. Shchepul T. G. Shevchenko Pridnestrovian State University



Project competence, training, potential, information industry


The modern period of development of society is characterized by a high degree of complexity and speed of changes in all spheres and a rapid increase in the accumulation of information data, the use of new information and communication technologies, the increasing influence of information on all spheres of public life. This imposes special requirements on the professional competence of specialists in those industries that have the functions of creating, processing and distributing information. Such professions include specialists in information, library and archival affairs. These social changes complicate not only information and library services, but also the entire system of library activities, which should increasingly become mobile, diverse, include new areas and forms of work that should meet the ever-increasing needs of their users. In particular, the project activity of both the library as a whole and an individual specialist can facilitate the assimilation by the user of the knowledge necessary for him to apply in practice within the framework of the provision of library services. The potential for using project activities as a library service deserves special attention of domestic and foreign scientists. Today we have to state that there is a discrepancy between the scientific justification of the content and mechanisms for improving the effectiveness of the project activities of information, library and archival specialists to the actual requirements for the professional competence of these specialists. This problem is particularly aggravated due to the lack of research on certain aspects of professional education of information, library and archival specialists.


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How to Cite

Щепул СЮ. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of project competence of future teachers. УО [Internet]. 2021Aug.15 [cited 2024Jul.17];11(4):38-46. Available from: