Development of technology for vocal training of Chinese students in Russian music pedagogical universities


  • Xie Xianke Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen



vocal training technologies, Chinese students, Russian music pedagogical university


The article analyzes the approach to the development of technology for vocal training of Chinese students studying at a Russian music pedagogical university, developed based on global experience in teaching vocal art, as well as taking into account the characteristics of the culture, worldview, mentality and original national musical and artistic values of the represented contingent. students. The methodological basis for the development of vocal training technology was: basic methods of the Russian (Soviet, Russian) system of vocal training; principles of vocal training in Western European and world practice; religious and philosophical basis and artistic and aesthetic criteria of vocal art in China; modern research into the level of vocal and musical training of Chinese students studying at Russian and Chinese universities; principles of vocal training in the traditions of the national Chinese school of singing and the pedagogical activities of outstanding Chinese opera singers; principles of pedagogy of vocal training, presented in the scientific research of modern Chinese scientists - graduate students of Russian universities. Technologies for modeling the psycho-emotional state (interaction of physiological and technical aspects of sound production). This technology is based on the methodological approaches of V.I. Yushmanov and Zhou Xiaoyan, but taking into account the peculiarities of the use of eastern energy practices (grounding, centering, breathing).


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How to Cite

Сянкэ С. Development of technology for vocal training of Chinese students in Russian music pedagogical universities. УО [Internet]. 2023Nov.30 [cited 2024Jul.1];13(11-2):259-63. Available from:

