The specifics of the formation of lexical skills in bilingual children


  • Marina G. Khasieva SOSH art. Petropavlovsk Grozny Municipal district



bilingualism, bilingual environment, bilinguals, monolinguals, interference, cognitive foundations, lexical skills, electronic resources


The article is devoted to the phenomenon of bilingualism - which is considered one of the most researched phenomena of our time. Taking into account the state of modern society, the increased needs of international communication, the problems of interaction between language and culture, the importance of multicultural and bi/multilingual development of a linguistic personality, special attention is paid to the problems of bilingualism, namely teaching a foreign language in a bilingual educational environment. speaking two languages can increase cultural awareness and empathy. Learning a new language opens the door to new cultures, traditions and views. Bilingual students have the opportunity to study abroad, as well as participate in exchange programs abroad. This article discusses the features of teaching English vocabulary. The author offers examples of tasks for the introduction and consolidation of new lexical units, in addition, some methodological recommendations for the formation of lexical skills in the foreign language being studied in bilingual children are given. A modern teacher should possess innovative pedagogical technologies, including information and communication technologies, and skillfully apply them in the process of teaching a foreign language, in particular, the formation of lexical skills taking into account the bilingual educational environment and at the same time enjoy the numerous advantages of bilingualism.


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How to Cite

Хасиева МГ. The specifics of the formation of lexical skills in bilingual children. УО [Internet]. 2023Oct.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];13(10-2):12-7. Available from:

