The impact of technological innovations on the development of musical art: from the invention of the phonograph to the digital era


  • Yu YaXian A.I.Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University



evolution, musical genres, styles, musical culture, historical development


Since the birth of the art of music as such, music has been constantly undergoing evolution. Changes in the social structure, scientific and technological progress, intercultural interactions - all this invariably affected the nature, form and content of musical culture of various eras. Musical genres and styles, in fact, are a reflection of these changes. They reflect the spirit of the times, the cultural characteristics of a certain period, the specifics of the social environment and many other factors. Thus, the analysis of the evolution of musical genres and styles is nothing more than the study of the history of the development of musical culture as a whole. Technological innovations have always played a significant role in the development of musical art. The introduction of new technologies in music education has become the basis for the formation of new approaches to teaching and studying music in universities. Universities specializing in music education are actively introducing various technologies into the educational process, ranging from computer programs for creating and processing music, ending with virtual and augmented reality for the immersive study of musical material.


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How to Cite

Ясянь Ю. The impact of technological innovations on the development of musical art: from the invention of the phonograph to the digital era. УО [Internet]. 2023Jun.25 [cited 2024Jul.1];13(7):241-8. Available from: