Prevention of psychoemotional burnout among employees of the UIS by dosed physical exertion


  • Andrey A. Perfiliev Samara Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia



physical activity, psychoemotional burnout, prevention, stress, stress prevention, physical exercises, physiology of the body, penal system


The presented article is devoted to the actual problem of professional psycho-emotional burnout of employees of the penal system. The author uses in his article the method of making causal relationships, first describing stress as a physiological phenomenon, and then the consequences that prolonged stress leads to. The author also uses the method of historical analysis: the history of the occurrence of emotional burnout, its main symptoms are considered, according to the theory that was put forward by the founder. Parallels are drawn with the most famous works of domestic researchers of this psychological state. Also in the article, the author
examines the main ways to combat burnout and prevention methods from the point of view of the physiology of the human body. The article presents weighty arguments describing the positive effect of dosed physical activity on the emotional state of a person from the point of view of his physiology. Based on the data obtained, recommendations were made for performing a number of physical exercises to improve their mental state. The article is focused on a specific social group - employees of the penal enforcement system. The problem of burnout in this case is considered in connection with the specifics of the profession. The article is recommended
to a wide range of readers: cadets, current employees, employees.


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How to Cite

Перфильев АА. Prevention of psychoemotional burnout among employees of the UIS by dosed physical exertion. УО [Internet]. 2022Feb.10 [cited 2024Jul.3];11(6):66-71. Available from: