Electronic technologies for learning foreign languages


  • Olga V. Konnova Astrakhan State Medical University
  • Inga V. Romanova Astrakhan State Medical University




student, scientific work, distance education, method


The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the need to disseminate knowledge about the understanding of possible methods of learning foreign languages in the modern world. The authors analyze various points of view on the expediency of using electronic technologies in teaching a foreign language and express a holistic position on this issue. The article discusses both positive and negative aspects of the introduction of electronic teaching methods in the educational process. The article discusses various aspects, such as the use of computer programs, interactive learning platforms, online resources and mobile applications for effective language learning. The authors analyze the advantages and limitations of electronic technologies in the context of teaching foreign languages, as well as discuss the effectiveness and effectiveness of such an approach. The article is a useful resource for teachers and researchers interested in the use of modern technologies in education and learning foreign languages.


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How to Cite

Коннова ОВ, Романова ИВ. Electronic technologies for learning foreign languages. УО [Internet]. 2023May15 [cited 2024Jul.1];13(7):10-5. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/909