Moral education of students in Russian language classrooms in Chinese universities


  • Han Zhiping Harbin University



moral education, students, audiences, Russian language, Chinese universities


Currently, teaching Russian in Chinese universities is an urgent and important area of scientific research. The peculiarity of learning the Russian language is that the process of teaching students cannot be limited solely to the development of literate speech and writing skills. An important component of training is the formation of moral qualities of students, which contributes to successful communication and cooperation with representatives of Russian-speaking countries. According to statistics, the number of Chinese students studying Russian in 2021 was about 10,000 people. Within the framework of this study, the results of the analysis of the features of moral education of students in the classrooms of the Russian language in Chinese universities are presented. The main purpose of the study is to determine the most effective methods and approaches that contribute to the successful formation of moral qualities of students. The study is based on an analysis of teaching practice conducted over two years (from 2021 to 2023) in 10 Chinese universities, including Peking University, Fudan University and Tsinghuang University. The research methodology includes the collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data obtained through surveys of students and teachers, as well as the study of educational materials and programs used in the process of teaching the Russian language. The study revealed that the main problems in the field of moral education of students are insufficient attention to the cultural and moral aspects of the Russian language, limited use of methods and approaches that contribute to the formation of moral qualities of students, as well as a low level of intercultural competence of teachers and students are mentioned.


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How to Cite

Чжипин Х. Moral education of students in Russian language classrooms in Chinese universities. УО [Internet]. 2023May15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(5):125-32. Available from: