Formation of a professionally mobile mining specialist in the conditions of modern production


  • Ahmed M. Barkinhoev Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation



mining engineer, research, specialist, university, production


Studying the process of adaptation of a specialist, we identified the factors influencing the formation of professional excellence; found out the positive and negative aspects of the training of future mining engineers in the context of determining priorities for the further development of specialists in a certain industry. At the first stage, regardless of specialization, familiarization with the corporate culture takes place (a young specialist is introduced to the enterprise, the entry of a specialist into the team begins with familiarization with the internal labor regulations, work standards and communication in the team, etc.). The second stage provides for admission to the specialty (a new employee under the guidance of a mentor begins to perform specific professional tasks). At the third stage, the effectiveness of adaptation is monitored (according to the results of the trial period, the personnel development department receives reporting documents). In the context of the study, we use the scientific work of psychologist K. Rogers adapted to the conditions of production (scientific position: specialist initiator of the learning process) regarding the formulation of psychological characteristics of adults: by nature, the personality is endowed with high scientific potential; the effectiveness of learning is achieved provided the relevance of the subject of research; changes in self–organization and perception as a result of educational and cognitive activity; self-criticism and self-esteem promotes creativity, self-confidence. Despite certain stages of adaptation, it is necessary to appeal to the peculiarities of training young specialists in the workplace: self–management, experience, readiness for training, focus on problem-based learning in logical unity and interconnection contributes to the implementation of the main task of mentoring - the organization of the educational process with mining engineers, for which they appear as co-authors of training.


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How to Cite

Баркинхоев АМ. Formation of a professionally mobile mining specialist in the conditions of modern production. УО [Internet]. 2023May15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(5):45-51. Available from: